Our Focus
Thin needles are inserted into points on the body. The stimulation of these acupuncture points affects both the central and the nervous systems.
Cupping has the function of warming and promoting qi and blood flow in the meridians, dispelling cold dampness, diminishing swelling and pain.
Moxa treatments or Moxa acupuncture as it is sometimes called, can be used alone to treat a patient or in conjunction with acupuncture needles. Moxa is similar to incense and will create smoke during the treatment. Moxa produces heat that can gently stimulate the body.
Tuina pronounced "tweenah" is a complementary and alternative Chinese medicine modality that makes use of rhythmic compression techniques along different energy channels of the body to establish harmonious flow of Qi throughout the body and bringing it back to balance. By applying pressure to meridians, acupoints, and groups of muscles and nerves, tuina removes blockages and works deeply with the positive energy of the body.
A gua sha tool, which is simply a Chinese ceramic spoon, is used to gently rub across the skin after gua sha oil (a massage oil) is applied. Gua sha is used similar to cupping but may be used across many parts of the body where cups may have difficulty staying in place (ex: arms, neck, foot, or calf). Gua sha is used to treat a smaller and more surface area of the skin than cupping.
A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation.
There are not ‘good’ foods or ‘bad’ foods; there are appropriate foods for each individual and inappropriate food for a specific individual, just as there are appropriate herbs for each individual depending on what their health needs are. Yang warming tonic herbs would be quite beneficial for an individual who is cold and fatigued; however, the same nourishing warming herbs may cause irritation and headaches in someone who is thirsty and experiencing night sweats, as seen with Yin Deficiency. Like herbs, foods have different energetic qualities; they can be warming or cooling, for example. In TCM, food therapy is simply part of the larger medicine system, which includes acupuncture and herbalism.
Being physically fit depends on how well a person fulfills each of the components of being healthful. These components include cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, and fitness flexibility. Maintaining physical fitness can help prevent some diseases. The more exercise that is carried out, the healthier an individual will look and feel.
Learn how to massage your infant. Infant massage helps baby sleep better, relaxes and soothes, aids digestion, contributes to development, encourages bonding & improves communication. Research shows further benefits for babies with colic, eczema, babies with special needs and adoptive families.
Our safe and effective treatments will help you feel your best.